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You Don't Need To Work Out As Much As You Think!

Keep reading to find out how to train without destroying your body.

You don't need to workout as much as you think...

You see elite athletes & then immediately forget that they are ELITE athletes.

And as a non-elite fitnesser, you do not need to work out as often, as heavy, or as intense as any of the elite idols you may have.

So what's enough?

Most people don’t need to do more than 2x a week of heavy breathing or heavy lifting. But YOU may need ZERO days of that. You may also tolerate much more.

There is a scale of resiliency. Sadly, some of you are on the end of being less resilient. Others, those you compare yourself to, are probably on the opposite end of the spectrum:

  • They handle stress well, but don’t actually have a lot of stress and haven’t over the course of their lives.

  • They eat and sleep enough for what their body needs.

  • They don’t abuse themselves by under-eating and under-sleeping — although the amount of food and sleep they need may vary greatly from what you need.

For the more resilient...

You can tolerate MORE days of high-level fitness. You know this by how well you recover:

  • You’re naturally not very sore.

  • Your energy levels are sustained throughout the day.

  • You aren’t starving at all hours, despite eating.

  • You aren’t irritable at every little thing.

For the less resilient...

You need LESS. You will know this when:

  • Energy wanes

  • Hunger heightens to unbearable levels (and you’re eating enough)

  • Irritability rises

  • Soreness, aches, and pains are prevalent.

Listen to the whisper before they become screams. Stick to less. If that works, add one small thing extra. Notice if you are benefitting or feeling worse because of it. Keep it or ditch it. Rinse & repeat.

stop the comparison!

Your time spent comparing yourself to the elite-level athlete is a waste of time. You aren’t them - and that is okay!

As a rule, determine if you’re resilient or not based on the above descriptions. Pair back or build up what you’ve been doing based on that determination. Walk when you can. Generally, every hour get up and move a little. Get out of breath 2-3x a week. Workout 2-3x a week.

Need some help finding the right balance? Get in touch!


Harry Davis

Harry Davis

Active Life Professional & Longevity Specialist

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